The problem here is she doesn’t realize that only the bags made by hand in France are valuable (they’re made by a different process), whereas the bags made in China are crap, even the ones that have Louis Vuitton stamped on them. The provenance, workmanship and quality of materials is clear to even the casual eye. Even she noticed the uneven stitching. There are plenty of artisan level leather workers in America who can made a custom purse that matches the French quality and far, far exceeds the Chinese quality for $1200. The real issue is she can’t tell the difference between $1200 worth of work and $35 worth of work when it’s in her hands. She hasn’t developed an eye and when you rely on brand names, you get screwed. At upper level society events it’s all about being unique and not having anyone else have what you have. (Not showing up in the same dress, etc.) Unique items work as Roosh’s bait –people will ask you where it came from, who made it, what they used. A DHV is knowing the backstory of its creation and having actual contact with the artist so you can say something about them. As opposed to some faceless Chinese sweatshop worker. At least her story about the back alley deal is something akin to this.